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Are you suffering from wisdom teeth pain?

See our emergency dentist and get the problem resolved fast

Treatment for wisdom teeth pain in Edgware, North West London

If you are looking for urgent, affordable treatment for wisdom teeth pain from a trusted emergency dentist near you in Edgware, North West London, we can help.

Wisdom tooth appointments

Emergency appointments from £45

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Meet your emergency dental expert

Dr Ali El-Kabengi is our principal emergency dentist. He has a Master’s Degree in Dental Surgery from the internationally renowned Leeds School of Dentistry and is experienced in treating emergency cases.

Dr Ali El-Kabengi


Principal Dentist | MCHD BCHD BSc (Leeds) | GDC No. 270807

Are you suffering from wisdom tooth pain?

Emergency dental treatment for wisdom teeth pain

Our wisdom teeth generally develop between the ages of 18 and 25. For some people this doesn’t cause any problems, though for others it can be a very uncomfortable and unpleasant experience. This typically happens when the wisdom teeth become impacted (sometimes due to a smaller jaw). 

This impaction can cause inflammation and infection which can be extremely painful. At this point you will require urgent dental treatment for the issue to be resolved.

How we can relieve wisdom teeth pain

We will first carefully examine your mouth to best assess your condition. If your wisdom teeth are causing the problem then the dentist may well recommend they be extracted. Although this might not sound appealing, it is a vital treatment that needs to be carried out as soon as possible in order to prevent more significant damage.

Wisdom teeth extractions

Urgent wisdom teeth extractions can be carried out by your emergency dentist. They will be happy to discuss the treatment and the costs involved with you before proceeding.

Once an effective local anaesthetic has been administered, the procedure will be pain free. In order to remove the tooth, your dentist will gently lift back some of the surrounding gum, and may need to remove a small amount of bone material. This will ensure a smooth and safe extraction.

Wisdom teeth FAQs

Do I really need to have my wisdom tooth extracted?

Your emergency dentist will always do all they can to preserve your wisdom teeth. However, there are times where no other options are available. If the location of the tooth prevents adequate oral hygiene, or if the tooth has become infected, extraction might be the safest way forward.

Will my wisdom tooth extraction be painful?

This type of oral surgery is always accompanied by an appropriate and effective local anaesthetic, which will numb the area around your tooth for several hours. Following your extraction, your dentist will prescribe painkiller medication to help minimise pain once the anaesthetic has worn off.

Will I be able to eat and drink after my wisdom tooth extraction?

Your dentist is likely to advise you not to eat and drink for a few hours after your extraction. This will help a blood clot to form and protect your gum while it recovers. Follow-up appointments will allow your dentist to keep a close eye on things and ensure that the healing process is as smooth as possible.

How can I avoid wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth are only a problem if they become impacted and go on to cause infection. However, because they are so far back in the mouth, even straight wisdom teeth can be prone to problems. 


The best way to help avoid any issues is keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible by maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. This should include regular brushing, flossing, and visits to a dental hygienist.

Are you suffering from wisdom tooth pain?