247 Emergency Dentist

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Are you suffering from an abscess or swelling?

See our emergency dentist and get the problem resolved fast

Treatment for abscess and swelling in Edgware, North West London

If you are looking for urgent, affordable treatment for an abscess from a trusted emergency dentist near you in Edgware, North West London, we can help.

Tooth abscess appointments

Emergency appointments from £45

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Meet your emergency dental expert

Dr Ali El-Kabengi is our principal emergency dentist. He has a Master’s Degree in Dental Surgery from the internationally renowned Leeds School of Dentistry and is experienced in treating emergency cases.

Dr Ali El-Kabengi


Principal Dentist | MCHD BCHD BSc (Leeds) | GDC No. 270807

Are you suffering from abscess or swelling?

Emergency dentist for abscesses or swelling

If you are experiencing painful swelling in the area around a tooth, you may be suffering from a dental abscess. These bacterial infections can often be very painful and debilitating, requiring prompt treatment from a dentist to resolve the issue.

How we can relieve abscess pain

At your emergency appointment, your dentist will ask you to describe your symptoms. They will then undertake a thorough examination of your mouth. They may also recommend x-rays to give a clear picture of what might be causing your discomfort. Depending on the cause of your abscess or swelling, your emergency dentist will suggest a course of treatment.

Dental abscesses and root canal treatment

If you have developed an abscess in the root of your infected tooth, your emergency dentist may suggest root canal treatment. This will require a local anaesthetic but should then be completely pain-free. You may need more than one appointment for the treatment to be completed.

Dental abscesses and tooth extraction

Sometimes abscesses can be more difficult to treat, especially if the infected tooth has experienced a high level of damage. In this case, your emergency dentist may recommend the removal of the tooth prior to a clean-up of the area. Tooth extraction for an abscess is usually a last resort but it is sometimes necessary in order to maintain your overall oral health.

How do I know I have a dental abscess?

Whilst the cause of your dental abscess might not initially be clear, the symptoms are often obvious and unpleasant. If you’re experiencing any of the following, we recommend you get in touch with an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

Abscess or swelling FAQs

My gum is swollen… do I have an abscess?

If you notice swelling in your mouth it may not be as a result of a dental abscess. If you are in pain then the best thing to do is make an appointment and the dentist will be able to assess and determine the cause of the issue before advising on the best course of action.

What are the main causes of abscesses?

The environment in our mouths is ideal for the development of bacteria. Without a good oral hygiene routine, these bacteria are able to create a build-up of plaque on the surface of teeth. This can enter your gums and cause problems including dental abscesses. There are several factors which can further influence this:


  • A weakened immune system
  • The over consumption of sugars and starches which encourage bacteria to flourish
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Injury or occasionally surgery that can sometimes cause longer term problems

How can I relieve my dental abscess pain?

Long-term pain relief from your dental abscess can only be achieved by visiting the dentist for treatment, though regular painkillers such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol can reduce pain in the short-term. Avoiding hot or cold drinks and food can also help, and using a softer toothbrush is advised.

Are you suffering from abscess or swelling?